
Tuition fees:

Tuition fees without after school care – £7688.76 per annual. £2562.92 per term. £640.73 per month.
Tuition Fees with after school care – £9498.72 per annual. £3166.24 per term. £791.56 per month
Discount for second child is 5% on the tuition fees.

Tuition fees are to be paid on the 8th of the month by either standing order or BACS.

Registration fee: A non-returnable registration fee of £150 is required to secure your child’s place.


As the parent or legal guardian I accept the following conditions of my child’s entry to St. Christopher’s School:

A. I agree to the terms and conditions as attached.
B. I accept the right of St. Christopher’s to require my child’s withdrawal
(a) at any time, for grave, or repeated, breaches of discipline.
(b) at any time, for non-payment of fees.
C. I agree to co-operate with St Christopher’s at all times and to ensure that my child abides by the Rules and Regulations.

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Child’s full name
Full name of Parent/Guardian

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